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We Support

See who we support around the world.

OM international 600x368 300x184 - We SupportWe support the work of Operation Mobilisation through Matthew and Helen Skirton.

Matthew and Helen have been regular visitors to Ascot Life Church for over 20 years as they were part of the church when they studied at Royal Holloway University. They are based in Quinta and serve on the leadership of OM.

To read the latest news from the Skirton family, click here


wycliffe 300x165 - We SupportWe support the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators through Matthew and Rachel Harley who have been working in Nigeria and are currently based in Liverpool. Here’s a little about them:

“Rachel and I joined Wycliffe in 2003, and were previously based in Jos, Nigeria. We have two adopted Nigerian children, David (7) and Anna (7).

Harleys in digger small 300x200 - We SupportWhen we first came out to Nigeria, Rachel, who is a trained primary school teacher, taught in a mission school (Hillcrest) for a few years before moving into ‘ethnoarts’ work, helping communities develop ways of expressing their Christian faith using their indigenous music and song styles, rather than imported Western styles. She trained up a couple of Nigerian colleagues, who are continuing this work, now that David and Anna are taking up most of her time.

I’ve been teaching at TCNN the whole time we’ve been here, mainly linguistic subjects like Grammar and Semantics, but sometimes other courses like Anthropology and Biblical Greek. As a linguistic consultant with SIL Nigeria, I also work with individual communities on developing resources in their languages.”

To read the latest news from Matthew and Rachel click here


tearfund logo 300x205 - We SupportWe give regularly to Tearfund; who are christians passionate about ending poverty, who’s website says:

“We’re following Jesus where the need is greatest, working through local churches to unlock people’s potential and helping them to discover that the answer to poverty is within themselves. When disasters strike, we respond quickly. We won’t stop until poverty stops.”

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